Process Library

This library has more than 100.000 processes, it is being reviewed by the online community as well as our expert.
Process name starts with A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |

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  Filename Product Company
  SRVoiceModem_N3.exe Ladan Vladimir
  srvoq.exe 67656567 Unknown
  srvotreg.exe Unknown
  srvPortmap.exe Unknown
  srvpost.exe QEMU
  srvpp.exe PrintMonitor Pro Server NodaSoft
  SrvPreLlamado.exe Hiper.BMatic.Net.ServiciosWindows.SrvPreLlamado HIPER SA
  SrvPreVendaMovel.exe Unknown
  srvprinter.exe Unknown
  SrvPrinterCounters.exe Unknown
  srvprint_process_generator.exe Unknown
  SrvPro.exe SrvPro SoftControl
  srvprog.exe Unknown
  SrvProSense.exe SrvProSense Unknown
  srvprot.exe Osra SPA srvprot Osra SPA
  SrvProxy.exe CyberPlanet TenaxSoft
  SrvPrx.exe Unknown
  SrvPuente.exe UnoEE Servidor Puente (sin COM+) Siesa Hitech
  srvpvsvc.exe CS ROUTE srvpvsvc CS ROUTE
  SrvPwdHlp.Exe T-Systems Password Self Help T-Systems
  SRVP_PV.EXE SRVP / ASTOR Soporte de Sistemas S.A. Argentina
  srvr.exe Unknown
  srvRacUpd.exe Unknown
  srvrast.exe AutoIt v3 Script AutoIt Team
  SrvrCertLicense.exe EventTracker EventTracker Security LLC
  SrvReceiveSCP.exe SenoIris GE Medical Systems
  SrvReceptorIP.exe Unknown
  SrvRecvDoc.exe SrvRecvDoc Poste Italiane
  SrvRedCentral.exe Unknown
  srvreg.exe Unknown
  srvreg32.exe VLC media player the VideoLAN Team
  SrvRemoteCOM.exe RemoteCOM by DECISION Europe DECISION Europe
  SrvReplica.exe Unknown
  SrvReplicacao_DON.exe Unknown
  SrvReplicacion.exe BMatic - Servicio de Replicación HIPER S.A.
  SrvReplicacionNet.exe SrvReplicacionNet Unknown
  SrvReplicaLotes.exe Unknown
  SrvReporte.exe Unknown
  SrvReportesSR.exe SrvReportesSR Unknown
  srvRest.exe srvRest Unknown
  srvRestConta.exe srvRestConta Unknown
  srvRevisionAUD.exe Inventarios Fisicos Soporte Tecnico
  srvrtl.exe Unknown
  SrvRTMyG.exe SrvRTMyG Unknown
  srvrun.exe Unknown
  SrvRunDetect.exe Unknown
  srvRunShed.exe Unknown
  SRVS-ORBAY.exe servis_takip Orbay Soft Umut FAYETÖRBAY
  SrvS.exe Unknown
  srvsammisat.exe Unknown
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