Process Library

This library has more than 100.000 processes, it is being reviewed by the online community as well as our expert.
Process name starts with A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |

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  Filename Product Company
  NextGenEPM.exe NextGen EPM NextGen Healthcare Information Systems, Inc.
  NextGenICS.exe NextGen ICS Main Application NextGen
  NextGenLenovoDiagnostics.exe Unknown
  NextGenNTS.exe NextGenVeriFireTools Honeywell
  NextgenReaderW8.exe NextgenReaderW8 Unknown
  Nextimage-Installer-4.3.0-62165.exe 7-Zip Igor Pavlov
  NEXTimage.exe NEXTImage Contex A/S
  Nextion Editor.exe HMI wyg
  NextionEditor.exe HMI wyg
  NextIrisAPI.exe NextIRISAPI Unknown
  NEXTIS.7.VirtualPrinterMulti.exe NEXTIS.7.VirtualPrinterMulti Unknown
  NextivaSMC.exe Nextiva® Situation Managment Center powered by Nextiva® Fusion Verint
  Nextivity RedHawk.exe Nextivity RedHawk Nextivity Inc.
  NextivityServiceTool.exe NextivityServiceTool Nextivity Inc.
  nextKast.exe nextKast Axis Entertainment Inc
  NexTLAB.EXE NexTLAB Bora za?tita
  nextlab_prof.exe Unknown
  NextLevel.exe Unknown
  NextMeetApp.exe NextMeetApp PM
  nextmonitor-thespur.exe NextMonitor ?? ???? Unknown
  nextmonitor.exe NextMonitor ?? ???? Unknown
  NextNextSVC.exe Getronics Belgium NextNextSVC Getronics Belgium
  Nextore.SWS.NTService.exe Nextore.SWS.NTService Microsoft
  NexTour.exe NexTour Celestron
  NextPad.exe Unknown
  NeXtPam.exe MATWorX NEC Corporation
  NextPDV.exe NextPDV Unknown
  NextPhone.exe SoftPhone Free NextTech Automação
  NextPlayer.exe NextPlayer NextTech Automação Ltda
  NextPlayerUWP.exe NextPlayerUWP Unknown
  NextPro.exe Unknown
  NextProxy.exe Unknown
  NextPVR.exe NextPVR Menten Holdings Ltd
  NextPVRServer.exe NextPVRServer NextPVRServer
  NextPVRService.exe NextPVRService Unknown
  NEXTRP Launcher.exe NEXTRP Launcher GitHub, Inc.
  nextrp-daemon-x32.exe Unknown
  nextrp-launcher.exe nextrp Unknown
  Nextrp_1CloIDeHJN.exe nextrp Unknown
  Nextrp_GWHIUqvLqI.exe nextrp Unknown
  Nextrp_ZIqB4XHKVp.exe nextrp Unknown
  NextServer.exe NextServer Unknown
  NextsetSso.exe Nextset Single Sign-on for Office 365 Client Tool Nextset Corporation.
  NextsetSso32.exe Unknown
  NextsetSso64.exe Nextset Single Sign-on for Office 365 Client Tool Nextset Corporation.
  NextShopSerial.exe NextShopSerial BEDIN Shop Systems srl (URL: http:\\
  NextSIClient.exe Unknown
  nextstart.exe NextSTART Winstep Software Technologies
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