Process Detail

What is bh3.exe ?

bh3.exe is known as bh3 Application and it is developed by Unknown , it is also developed by . We have seen about 14 different instances of bh3.exe in different location. So far we haven't seen any alert about this product. If you think there is a virus or malware with this product, please submit your feedback at the bottom.


Something wrong with bh3.exe ?

Is bh3.exe using too much CPU or memory ? It's probably your file has been infected with a virus. Let try the program named DriverIdentifier to see if it helps.

How to remove bh3.exe

If you encounter difficulties with bh3.exe , you can uninstall the associated program (Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove programs

What can you do to fix bh3.exe ?

Let try to run a system scan with Speed Up My PC to see any error, then you can do some other troubleshooting steps.
If you think this is a driver issue, please try

Where do we see bh3.exe ?

Here is the list of instances that we see for the process: bh3.exe

  Path Product Name Vendor Version Size MD5
1 C:\Program Files (x86)\???? ??? - 363\bh3.exe bh3 Application Unknown 1, 0, 0, 1 732778 B30D96CD474B1441B5BE72024D5A03C8
2 C:\Program Files (x86)\úåøú àîú - 369\bh3.exe bh3 Application Unknown 1, 0, 0, 1 746704 46D402370A6EB186C336B26381373A0D
3 C:\Program Files (x86)\Pmedia\úåøú àîú\bh3.exe bh3 Application Unknown 1, 0, 0, 1 775376 27A4AACF6A54133EB94DA4FDDAC3681D
4 C:\Users\username\Documents\ToratEmetInstall\bh3.exe bh3 Application Unknown 1, 0, 0, 1 767184 7EAE8D8B149F2F8D4E9A7D5A11B38BEC
5 C:\Users\username\Documents\ToratEmetInstall\bh3.exe bh3 Application Unknown 1, 0, 0, 1 775376 FA80D56A33812A3D1401395FEB571C5A
6 C:\Program Files\Honkai Impact 3\Games\BH3.exe Unknown 2017.4.18.5715588 653424 0B66138A6B3CA13E472ACDA1B04EFC8C
7 C:\Program Files\Honkai Impact 3 sea\Games\BH3.exe Unknown 2017.4.18.5715588 651992 46CE21471C21F1E7922CE88225A8772C
8 C:\Program Files\Honkai Impact 3 sea\Games\BH3.exe Unknown 2017.4.18.5715588 648848 3C8E50358B80A461B36ED3B3E582FB0F
9 C:\Users\username\Documents\ToratEmetInstall\bh3.exe bh3 Application Unknown 1, 0, 0, 1 7753769 85E1EF250B98ACDAA0B1F6537DA23196
10 D:\Honkai Impact 3 sea\Games\BH3.exe Unknown 2017.4.18.5715588 648840 79167CA9AE9E3CFA1AB301F8314BEEDA
11 C:\Program Files\Honkai Impact 3 sea\Games\BH3.exe Unknown 2017.4.18.0 648840 3D1D7F08A3688E552AD0674D259EB4CF
12 D:\Program Files\ToratEmet\bh3.exe bh3 Application Unknown 1, 0, 0, 1 775376 85E1EF250B98ACDAA0B1F6537DA23196
13 D:\Users\username\Documents\ToratEmetInstall\bh3.exe bh3 Application Unknown 1, 0, 0, 1 775376 85E1EF250B98ACDAA0B1F6537DA23196
14 D:\Users\username\Documents\ToratEmetInstall\bh3.exe bh3 Application 1, 0, 0, 1 772100 D5AA6CABFEBDBBC4263EF4609BD9C447

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