Process Detail

What is mySinglePushClient.exe ?

mySinglePushClient.exe is known as mySingle Push Client, it also has the following name or KnoxPortal PushClient and it is developed by SDS , it is also developed by Unknown . We have seen about 20 different instances of mySinglePushClient.exe in different location. So far we haven't seen any alert about this product. If you think there is a virus or malware with this product, please submit your feedback at the bottom.


Something wrong with mySinglePushClient.exe ?

Is mySinglePushClient.exe using too much CPU or memory ? It's probably your file has been infected with a virus. Let try the program named DriverIdentifier to see if it helps.

How to remove mySinglePushClient.exe

If you encounter difficulties with mySinglePushClient.exe , you can uninstall the associated program (Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove programs

What can you do to fix mySinglePushClient.exe ?

Let try to run a system scan with Speed Up My PC to see any error, then you can do some other troubleshooting steps.
If you think this is a driver issue, please try

Where do we see mySinglePushClient.exe ?

Here is the list of instances that we see for the process: mySinglePushClient.exe

  Path Product Name Vendor Version Size MD5
1 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe mySingle Push Client SDS 37353 47F72CA21E736937A174F5ADD33228E3
2 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe mySingle Push Client SDS 51888 2C270BB30C72AAAD5923D459DFF5E069
3 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe mySingle Push Client SDS 47833 A20FF6A5562B519342C14D6695E39650
4 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe Unknown 35801
5 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe mySingle Push Client SDS 35801 9560605BD53658CFC766EBE5637947D4
6 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe mySingle Push Client SDS 36364 C655204C1C3DB296F80560983694424A
7 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe mySingle Push Client SDS 36672 97D6CF38F24DE321CDFE74F9C22F3524
8 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe mySingle Push Client SDS 36876 85E9AA46F6167D2A31F064445DE2F137
9 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe mySingle Push Client SDS 37081 4C29C3B5594ECC43D5AD912DEFCD0D39
10 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe mySingle Push Client SDS 37081 CF7B6D050970EECF9757D82C9795A497
11 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe mySingle Push Client SDS 37253 137401805E44D5FB89B8E7003BF69A11
12 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe mySingle Push Client SDS 51689 0A310C200FE61D5F3999CBE8AD3DCD3A
13 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe mySingle Push Client SDS 51839 3F2F3E339D5F39BDF0A78AAC03B9277A
14 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe mySingle Push Client SDS 51890 AADF98AC305032B2A8951272E1D26B38
15 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe mySingle Push Client SDS 61257 89FD7224B0EECE19D79CC7D36521AA52
16 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe KnoxPortal PushClient SDS 73028 1B58B43DEBCD678D2D2B667057E9FBB8
17 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe KnoxPortal PushClient SDS 745080 D0628A722A5AAA82B06D3C170197D170
18 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe KnoxPortal PushClient SDS 7.22.10609.1 87773 B6F1D46F86A939F3533A7D8F8F99EF09
19 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe KnoxPortal PushClient SDS 7.23.10323.2 887680 2CBDC4F06EB4B9E64DC98A1B2DBEF026
20 C:\mySingle\PushApp\mySinglePushClient.exe KnoxPortal PushClient 7.24.10322.3 88267 BC5FB5D27AEEF3A647211A5A10422920

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